The FEV Group with headquarters in Aachen, Germany, offers a complete range of engineering services, providing support in the design, analysis and prototyping for powertrain and transmission development, as well as vehicle integration, calibration and homologation for advanced internal combustion gasoline-,diesel-, and alternative- fueled powertrains. FEV's competencies also include design, development and prototyping of innovative vehicle concepts, powertrain electronic control systems and hybrid-electric engine concepts that address future emission and fuel economy standards. With acquisition of D2T Powertrain Engineering S.A., FEV has extended its capabilities in the fields of test systems and testing. The FEV Group employs a staff of over 4,000 highly skilled specialists on three continents. FEV China Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of FEV GmbH. Established in Dalian, 2004, FEV China currently operates two subsidiaries in Beijing and Shanghai and has developed an engine test center and test equipment manufacturing base as well as a mature and high efficient project managing and service team. Today, FEV China embarks on the markets not only in China, but also in the main countries and districts allover Asia. Considering the prosperous automobile market, FEV Group donates more energy in China, and invests to establish a new engineering R&D Center in Yan Jiao, which will be engaged in engine design as well as high-end engine development and function test. The new Yan Jiao R&D center is expected to formally put into operation in 2005. After the R&D center is completed entirely, FEV China expects to reach nearly 300 employees .With a great expansion plan in China, we sincerely expect talents to join us and share the splendid prospect. FEV集团总部位于德国亚琛,是国际公认的动力总成和车辆工程服务公司。FEV公司为全球运输行业提供全套的工程服务及支持,从设计、分析、样机生产、动力总成和变速箱开发,到为先进的汽油机、柴油机、以及替代燃料动力总成系统提供整车集成、校准和认证咨询。FEV 也设计、开发代表着未来排放与燃油经济性标准的创新的整车/动力总成电控系统和混合动力概念发动机,并生产样机。随着收购D2T动力总成工程公司,FEV大力扩展了其在测试系统及测试试验方面的能力。目前,FEV集团拥有4000多名高级技术专家,供职于其遍布三大洲的先进技术中心。 FEV中国是德国FEV有限公司在中国的全资子公司。公司成立于2004年,并在北京,大连,以及上海设有分支机构。成立至今, FEV中国已拥有一个发动机试验中心和试验设备制造基地,并组建起一支成熟的项目管理和服务团队。我们不仅为中国境内主要的发动机及汽车生产商提供一流的服务,并已将业务版图拓展至亚洲的其它主要国家及地区。 受到蓬勃发展的汽车市场鼓舞,FEV集团决定加大在中国的投资,目前于燕郊投资兴建大型工程研发中心,从事发动机设计工作,及高端发动机开发和性能试验。新的研发中心预计将于2015年正式投入运营。整个研发中心全部完工后,FEV中国预计将达到近300人的规模。我们诚挚邀请您加入我们,共同实现公司未来的大举发展计划,拥抱FEV更加辉煌的明天! Internet :